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Integrated Working and the Common Assessment Framework Training in Bristol

Bristol has developed a modular training programme to inform participants about the Integrated Working Strategy and its core principles, and to support practitioners to use the common assessment framework and take on the role of the lead professional. Training is available to all practitioners who work with children and young people in Bristol and is delivered on a multi-agency basis, providing a great opportunity to meet and engage with other practitioners in the children’s workforce.


The training is delivered in each of the 3 areas in Bristol and practitioners are encouraged to train within their area in order to network with other local colleagues.


The training consists of 3 modules:


Module 1 (half day): This module provides an introduction to the Integrated Working Strategy, Common Assessment Framework, the role of the lead professional and Information Sharing protocols and tools, including BLISS.  Its aim is to provide the national and local context for these developments and is aimed at practitioners and managers.


Module 2 (full day):  This can be attended on completion of Module 1 and is for those practitioners who are most likely to be completing CAFs on a regular basis.  The day looks at the CAF and the role of the lead professional from a practical prospective with the aim of increasing confidence in their use.


Module 3 (half day):   

This is delivered in a computer suite so that practitioners can practice using the BLISS and eCAF systems, in a safe environment. Once modules 1 and 2 have been completed practitioners will be invited to attend this module.








Related  Links:


Every Child Matters



Application Form 2010  (word)

Training Dates 2010  (PDF)

More information…


The Bristol C4C training has been characterised by the following factors:


1. Multi-agency funding, management team, trainers and participants: A variety of different agencies have contributed to funding the training programme including: Bristol City Council Children and Young People’s Services, Schools, Early Years, Housing, Youth and Play, Youth Offending Team, Connexions, Health (UBHT and Bristol PCT), the Voluntary and Community Sector and Avon and Somerset Police. In addition, the training teams in each locality have been recruited from a variety of different sectors including Children’s Workforce Development, Extended Schools, the Voluntary Sector, Connexions, Early Years and the Youth Offending Team.


Three area preventions coordinators have been appointed in the North, South and East/Central parts of the city to build relationships with agencies and to identify the most relevant practitioners in each locality for the C4C training. Participants have been selected from every part of the children’s workforce.

The training itself is designed to ensure that all participants gain maximum benefit by meeting many different members of the children’s workforce and offering new opportunities to work together.


2. Government led but locally interpreted: Most of the training is based on the guidance and presentation format outlined by the DCSF which is available on the Every Child Matters website. It should be stressed that the training is more than just learning how to fill in forms; it aims to develop the necessary values, skills and relationships that all practitioners need to work effectively in partnership with each other. Bristol has decided that developing these ‘soft skills’ is an absolutely essential part of the training that will help these initiatives to succeed.


3. Locality based: The training has been designed to take place, when practicable, in the locality where practitioners actually work. Venues have included: Barton Hill Settlement, Portway Rugby Development Centre, the Park, the Withywood Centre, the Southville Centre, Rose Green Centre and the Memorial Ground.


4. Training tailored to need: The training has been designed to build the practical skills that will enable practitioners to:

  • work productively together across agencies
  • engage with families
  • produce CAF forms
  • undertake the work of the lead professional
  • share information appropriately
  • use the IT systems associated with these practices.


Managers who are interested in learning more can attend a local briefing session designed to answer their questions and concerns. Briefing sessions are organised by the Area Prevention Coordinators and are advertised locally.


If you have any questions regarded the C4C training programme, please contact the Lead Trainer on or email .








Related Links:


Every Child Matters

