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Hengrove and Stockwood


The partnership has asked local residents about the top issues facing the area. They identified:


  • Youth activities and youth services
  • Isolation in the area for older people
  • Community facilities and activities
  • Highways and Parking
  • Community Safety
  • Fly-Tipping
  • Sustainable transport
  • Sustainable food/local food growing
  • Green Spaces
  • Hollway Road- improvments to land at rear of shops


Resident Representative Nomination & Election

Are you active within your community? Would you like to represent your ward at the Neighbourhood Partnership?  Neighbourhood Partnerships are currently being reviewed and are likely to become increasingly more influential as a focus for community needs and aspirations.  They are also likely to have enhanced powers and influence over the way BCC and its partners (Police, Health etc) deliver services in your area.


We are holding elections to decide the Ward Representatives within each ward of the Hengrove and Stockwood Neighbourhood Partnership.



If you are interested in being a Ward Rep for your Neighbourhood Partnership please contact Ariaf Hussain at for an information pack and nomination form.  Alternatively please phone Ariaf on or download the papers from below:


1.    Letter of Invitation

2.    Nomination Form

3.    Notice of Election

4.    Election Process

5.    What is a Neighbourhood Partnership

6.    Neighbourhood Partnership Terms of Reference

7.      Code of Conduct


Neighbourhood Partnership and Forum Meetings


Neighbourhood Partnership meetings and Forum meetings work together to progress the issues raised in each Neighbourhood Partnership. If you have any suggestions about how the forums should be run or things you would like to discuss, please .


Next Neighbourhood Partnership meeting:


Monday 24th June 2013, 6.00pm - 7.00pm for elections. 7pm-9pm, Christ Church, Petherton Road, Hengrove

Hengrove Forum meeting dates:


  • Tuesday 6 August 2013 - 7pm-8.30pm, Christ Church Petherton Road, Hengrove


Issues raised at the Hengrove Forum - May 2013

Updated issues - Feb 2013

Stockwood Forum meeting dates:


  • Thursday 8 August 2013 - 7pm-8.30pm, venue to be confirmed


Stockwood Forum May 2013 - Issues

Updated issues from February Forum meeting


Drop-in session's

April Richmond  the area Neighbourhood Development Officer from the Neighbourhood Partnership will be at Whitchurch Library (Hengrove ward)from 3 – 4.30pm on Wednesday 3rd July and Stockwood Library (Stockwood Ward), from 3 - 4.30pm on Thursday 4th July, to provide advice and Information about Local Forums, and listen to any Issues you may have about your Local Community


Hengrove and Stockwood Environment Group


Meeting, Tuesday 9th July 2013, 1.30pm-3.30pm, Hengrove Leisure Centre.


View the previous minutes.



Members of the Neighbourhood Partnership


Cllr Sylvia Doubell - Hengrove

Cllr Jay Jethwa - Stockwood -

Cllr David Morris - Stockwood - (Chair)

Insp. Colin Salmon - Police - 101

Pete Goodwin - Friends of Stockwood Open Space

Kerry Vosper - Environment rep
Toni Massari - Equalities representative

Joyce Wooster - Stockwood Lunch Club

Dave Reeve - Stockwood Community Group

Judith Barnhurst - Womens Institute rep

Jean Young - Hengrove Community Centre

Robert Harris - Stockwood Resident

Jenny Hall - Stockwood Resident

Trevor Hilliar - Hengrove Resident


Websites: - Art for All select Bristol Hengrove Park





Hengrove and Stockwood

Get in touch...


Ariaf Hussain

Area Coordinator

0117 922 3218


April Richmond

Neighbourhood Development Officer


Next Partnership meeting 24th June 2013 (agenda to follow)
Previous Partnership meeting agenda and minutes 20th March 2013 (minutes and agenda)