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Equalities Representatives on Neighbourhood Partnerships

Each Neighbourhood Partnership (NP) will have one or two equalities representatives whose role will be to champion equalities issues and help the NP understand and meet the needs of equalities groups in their local area.


Equalities is defined as covering gender, race, disability, age (older people), transgender, faith and lesbian/gay/bisexual equality. Young people will have their own representative so this area is not included in the equalities representative role.


Equality representatives will contribute to the NP by ensuring that NP members are aware of and fulfil their responsibilities regarding access and involvement of all equalities communities. They will represent and promote the views of equalities communities at NP meetings to ensure that minority as well as majority views and needs are heard and taken into account. In addition they will be able to advise, signpost and suggest ways in which their NP can take account of any equalities issues raised and improve outcomes for equalities groups in their area.


Should you wish to contact your equality representative to raise an issue that has been concerning you or to discuss their role further, they can be contacted through their area co-ordinator. Contact details can be found on the front page for your local Neighbourhood Partnership.