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Performance – how are we doing?

The Bristol 20:20 Plan outlines where we as a city want to be, and what we want to achieve, by the year 2020. Listed within the 20:20 Plan are the four priority Outcomes and associated Actions that the Bristol Partnership are committed to deliver in Bristol:



View the 20:20 Priorities diagram  (revised Feb 2011)



Up until Summer 2010, the focus of the Bristol Partnership’s Performance Management Framework (how we find out about and challenge standards of performance across the city) had been to ensure successful delivery of both the Local Area Agreement and the Comprehensive Area Assessment regimes. Our focus has now changed, as the newly elected national government abolished both of these measures soon after they came into office in May 2010. This decision has enabled us to fully focus our attention on the Bristol 20:20 Plan, which was adopted by the city in November 2009.


Of course, we will need to know how well we are progressing towards these goals - to do this we have developed a system where we report on our performance several times each year. This is done through the production of Report Cards, documents which tell a story of Partnership performance and what we are doing about it, within each of the 4 Outcome areas.


For further information, please contact:

Gavin Banks

