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Safer Bristol Board


In order to reduce crime and make all areas of Bristol feel safe we will concentrate on the following priorities:

- Prioritise crime hotspots and put in place crime prevention projects,

- Tackle the impacts of substance misuse and ensure people have access to drug and alcohol treatment,

- Tackle violent crime, especially in the city centre and continue to promote the reporting and reduction of domestic violence, and

- Put more emphasis on the reduction of re-offending, particularly young offenders. 



You Said - We Did!


Crime in Bristol has been falling steadily over the last 2 years - but people are not feeling any safer. This is why Safer Bristol have been running a publicity campaign in partnership with the Bristol Evening Post.


Each month, the paper highlights concerns from residents, and what the Police have done about it. The campaign has been very successful, so much so that it has been noted by the Audit Commission as an example of Best Practice.


Next Meeting:


17th May 2012 at 2pm-4:30pm, Council House

Contact Rick Palmer on


For More Information:


Visit the Safer Bristol Website


Find out who's on the Safer Bristol Board



Recent Statistics:


CRIME - Total recorded crime Apr 2011 - Feb 2012 shows a 5% reduction (2536 crimes).


DRUGS - Successful Completions as a percentage of total number in treatment in 2011/12 is 13% which puts us in the top quartile for most similar cluster.


YOUNG PEOPLE - Reoffending rate of Young People Apr 09 - Mar 10 compared to Apr 08 - Mar 09 shows an increase of 6.01%.


YOUNG PEOPLE - Use of custody rate per 1000 of 10-17 year old has reduced by 0.25 from 1.42-1.17 a 17.6% reduction.

Page updated 1 May 2012